Our LIVE Forum

Our LIVE Forum

Our Websites are our shop windows, notice boards and information resource. Our Forum is our family home. Our Forum is visible without ‘join us then you see’ so everyone can explore our Rescue Work. If you register then you can introduce yourself and comment. Our Forum...
Adopt a Terrier

Adopt a Terrier

Ahhh…T E R R I E R S! You will meet ‘Real Terriers’ on the Terrier Rescue website. Many are working types that have lost their homes due to a fundamental misunderstanding of terrier characteristics. Although they do look cute and cuddly, terriers are not soft toys. A...
Adopt a Staffie

Adopt a Staffie

Staffie Rescue We can help you find a Staffie that fits in with your lifestyle. You will need to adapt to adopt as a dog in your life will change the emphasis. You become a carer where life’s decisions centre around your dogs needs as a part of the family. A dog will...
Adopt an Patterdale

Adopt an Patterdale

Please visit our specialised Patterdale and Fell Terrier website! Fell Terriers originate in the English Lake District, or Fells, and come in many colours. Patterdales, or Patties, are black or dark brown Fell Terriers. We immersed ourselves in the world of the...