Staffie Rescue

We can help you find a Staffie that fits in with your lifestyle. You will need to adapt to adopt as a dog in your life will change the emphasis. You become a carer where life’s decisions centre around your dogs needs as a part of the family. A dog will open up regular wonderful walks; you’ll meet new friends and there is nothing like the loyalty you’ll receive from your very own canine companion. Staffies offer that all in bucket loads and will be a wonderful addition to the life energy of your family. The decision needs to be thoroughly discussed with the whole family and don’t be surprised if prejudice begins to surface when you talk to relatives. Don’t be surprised upon owning a Staffie if that same prejudice disappears on meeting!

To adopt one of our Staffies you must first complete our Homing questionnaire. Read the questions and understand the facets of your life which affect the type of dog you own. Check the lease with your landlord does it mention a dog as we will need to see this and check via telephone as it may be read differently with regards to the age of the dog. Check your garden boundaries and gate locks. Begin to list items you will need. You don’t need anything expensive especially in the beginning. Two marked cereal bowls; a single duvet with a cover folded in four will serve as a bed; a car harness or travel crate; good quality foods. Don’t buy the supermarket own; Bxxxxrs complete or Cheap coloured treats. Dogs don’t cost a lot to feed but giving them loads of colorants will literally send them ape. We may have a harness and extender lead for walking we can sell you, so it is the right sort (we then buy a replacement). People often come with them and we raise our eyes as they are not what we would recommend or they are the wrong fit. Finally ask if your vet does a saving or insurance scheme or make enquiries with insurance companies so that you have a quote ready to put into effect when you take your dog home.